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Install MariaDB Database in Ubuntu and other Ubuntu based distributions

ID: 94

Category: Ubuntu

Added: 26th of May 2018

Views: 3,218

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For a more up to date tutorial, please visit https://www.mycomputertips.co.uk/117

This tutorial has the correct information for installing MariaDB

Part 1: Install MariaDB in Ubuntu
Part 2: Create a new user

To install MariaDB Database server in Ubuntu and other Ubuntu based distributions enter the following command in your terminal

sudo apt-get install mariadb-server

When MariaDB Database installs it will ask you to set a root password. If you plan to host your own MariaDB Databases online it is advisable to set a root password. If your just planning on hosting a local database to practice on, you can skip the root password.

After MariaDB Database has installed you need to login via the Terminal.

To login to MariaDB enter the following command in the terminal
mysql -u root -p

You will be asked to enter your root password, the one you set up whilst installing MariaDB. If you didn't enter a password just click enter.

If you logged in correctly, the MariaDB prompt will be displayed in the terminal.
From here you can create, insert, update, delete, databases, tables, create new users.