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Crossover Linux 19, the easy way to install Windows Applications and Games

ID: 73

Category: Linux Terminal

Added: 8th of February 2016

Updated On: Tutorial updated and rechecked on 6th of November 2020

Views: 3,514

After using Wine for many years to install my Windows Applications and Games in Linux, I decided it was time to upgrade to the paid version distributed by Codeweavers called Crossover Linux 19.

After using the product for a couple of months there are so many good things so say about it, I thought It would be a shame not to make other users aware of these great features.

If your also one of those users who doesn't have the time or technical aptitude to get under the hood of Wine, then Crossover Linux 19 should be the next thing on your Linux shopping list.

At the moment I'm enjoying picking up old demos seeing if they work in Crossover Linux, and then purchasing the full game on Ebay for only a couple of pounds.

It's amazing how many old games and applications are now working.

Thought it was worth mentioning that by purchasing Crossover Office your helping to support the development of Wine and vice versa.

Crossover Office allows you to install your Windows Applications and Games in to separate bottles, basically their own Windows environments, which then allows you to tweak the settings for the Application or Game you installed. I always like to run my Applications or Games windowed via the Wine Configuration settings in the Control Panel.

Another advantage of using bottles, if your Application or Game doesn't install correctly or work as expected you just delete that bottle leaving all your other Bottles, Applications and Games intact.

At the moment you can create the following bottles
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows 64-bit
Windows Vista
Windows Vista 64-bit
Windows 7
Windows 7 64-bit
Windows 8
Windows 8 64-bit
Windows 10
Windows 10 64-bit

After you have created your bottle you can then install your Windows Application or Games inside that.

The other great thing about bottles is that lots of older applications and games refuse to run in the latest versions of Windows, using a specific bottle gets around this issue.

Alternatively you can use the Install Windows Software function where you can search for the Application or Game you wish to install via the Crossover Linux database, if listed it will set up the default bottle with optimal settings.

Exporting Your Bottle
If your a distro hopper like myself the export function is brilliant. Export your Windows Application or Game, once you have reinstalled Crossover Office in your new distribution, you can easily import your bottle and everything will run as normal