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Monitor your child's online activity with Google Family Link

ID: 369

Category: Google

Added: 14th of March 2024

Views: 521

At some point your child will want a mobile phone or tablet. If you want to monitor your child's activity online, Google has an application called Family Link. Family Link can be installed on your Android phone or accessed via the Family Link website on PC.

How do I add my child to family link?
In order to start using family link you first need to create a Google Account for your child. Once their google account has been set up on their phone or tablet, the account will then be registered to the device.

If they have more than one device, you just need to login with the Google account details on each device. This will then register the Google account to that device.

Next you need to install Family Link on your own phone or tablet, and then add your child's Google account to it. Your child's devices will then appear in the Family Link dashboard.


Family link has the following functions:

1) Lock / Unlock individual devices or Lock all
2) Set a Daily Limit for their devices
3) Block individual apps
4) Restrict search and block sites
5) Update their google account details, change their password
6) If they are going out and tacking their device, you can track their location.

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