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Convert unix timestamp in seconds to readable date in MySQL / MariaDB

ID: 368

Category: MariaDB Database

Added: 12th of January 2024

Views: 841

The following table has a list of users with the following fields:

To convert the field registration_date in seconds to readable date in MySQL / MariaDB enter the following query

select user_id, FROM_UNIXTIME(registration_date, '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i:%s') as formatted_date, name, country from tbl_users_example ORDER BY registration_date ASC;

The operators to format the date
%d = Date
%m = Month
%Y = Year
%h = Hours
%i = Minutes
%s = Seconds

The date was set in UK Format. For US date format you would enter the following

select user_id, FROM_UNIXTIME(registration_date, '%m/%d/%Y %h:%i:%s') as formatted_date, name, country from tbl_users_example ORDER BY registration_date ASC;