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Creating a new user on Ubuntu server

ID: 366

Category: Ubuntu

Added: 31st of December 2023

Updated On: Tutorial updated and rechecked on 15th of March 2024

Views: 627

To create a new user on Ubuntu server enter the following command in the terminal.

Login to your server as root user using ssh

ssh root@ip_address

Add the user mycomputertips_user1 using the useradd command
useradd mycomputertips_user1

Set the password for user mycomputertips_user1
passwd mycomputertips_user1

Create a new directory mycomputertips_user1 for user mycomputertips_user1 under the home directory
mkdir /home/mycomputertips_user1

Change ownership of folder to the new user mycomputertips_user1 using the chown command which allows the user to read and write to the folder
chown mycomputertips_user1:mycomputertips_user1 /home/mycomputertips_user1

Set up shell prompt for mycomputertips_user1 using the usermod command
usermod -s /bin/bash mycomputertips_user1

After setting up a new user you will notice the Owner and Group permissions which show 1000. This means this is the first non root user that has been created on the server. When you create the next user it will 1001 and so on...