Output CPU, Kernel, Memory, Storage information using the inxi command in the terminal Linux
ID: 362
Category: Linux Terminal
Added: 22nd of November 2023
Views: 776
If you want a quick way to display system information in the terminal enter inxi in the terminal. It's already installed in Linux Mint.
If it is not installed in your own distribution, enter the following in the terminal, if you are running a Debian / Ubuntu based distribution
sudo apt-get install inxi
After installing the inxi package, it can be run by entering the following command in the terminal
inxi outputs the following information:
CPU Type
CPU Speed
Kernel Version
Shell Name
Here are some other inxi options to try in terminal
Output sound device, running sound servers, driver information
inxi -A
Output Battery System battery information, condition, charge and voltage information
inxi -B
Output Hard Disk information
inxi -d
Output Graphics Card information
inxi -G
Output Weather information
inxi -w
inxi has many more output options. For a full enter the following in the terminal
inxi -h