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Adding a new application shortcut to the panel in Lubuntu

ID: 304

Category: Lubuntu

Added: 25th of June 2022

Views: 5,792

To create a new application shortcut in the bottom panel of Lubuntu, you first need to create a new desktop shortcut.

Open the main menu in Lubuntu, right click on the application and select Add to Desktop

Once the icon has been added to your desktop, right click on the icon and check Trust this executable

Drag the desktop shortcut over the bottom panel. Make sure the green + sign is visible before releasing the mouse.

If everything works correctly, your application shortcut will be added to the bottom panel

If you are having trouble adding application icons to the panel, you can add this manually.

Right click on the desktop shortcut you created earlier and select properties. Make a note of the name, in my case filezilla.desktop

Next you need to edit the panel.conf file. The file is located under the following directory


Right click on panel.conf and open the file in featherpad which is default text editor in Lubuntu

Or open panel.conf in featherpad using the following command in the terminal
featherpad .config/lxqt/panel.conf

Once panel.conf has opened we need to add a new line under the quicklaunch section of the configuration file, using the name of the shortcut

You also need to set the size number. I now have four quicklaunch icons, so set apps\size=3 to apps\size=4

Save the panel.conf file, then logout of Lubuntu.
Once you have logged back on your new icon should be visible in the panel.