The following code asks the user to guess the random number between 1 and 10.
If the number is higher or lower than the random number, a message is displayed to the user
Once the user inputs the correct number, a message is displayed showing the user how many turns it took them to get the correct number
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
int random_number=rand() % 10 + 1;
int guess;
int turns=0;
cout << "Can you guess the random number between 1-10? ";
cin >> guess;
while (guess!=random_number)
if (guess < random_number)
cout << "Your guess is wrong. Enter a higher number? ";
if (guess > random_number)
cout << "Your guess is wrong. Enter a lower number? ";
cin >> guess;
cout << "*** Congratulations, the random number was " << random_number << " ***" << endl;
cout << "*** It took you " << turns<< " turn(s) to get the correct number ***" << endl;
return 0;
Create a new file on your desktop named guess_the_number.cpp and copy and paste the code above.
Next you need to compile the code by issuing the following command
g++ guess_the_number.cpp -o guess_the_number
Once compiled enter the following command in the terminal to execute the code
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