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Enable Desktop Cube in Kubuntu

ID: 161

Category: Kubuntu

Added: 11th of May 2020

Views: 2,779

If you have enabled Desktop Cube on Kubuntu and your cube doesn't rotate when you press CTRL + F11 combined with your cursor keys, it could be because you haven't enabled enough Virtual Desktops.

In Kubuntu, Under Workspace Behaviour select Virtual Desktops, click the plus button and add three more virtual desktops, rename these virtual desktops desktop 2, desktop 3 and desktop 4

Exit the System settings then press CTRL + F11 again. If everything was set correctly, pressing the cursor keys should rotate your desktop left, right, top and bottom.

I remember when this first appeared on Linux in 2006, these effects are still amazing now as they were all those years ago.