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Create a new user using MariaDB database in the Linux Terminal (Part 2)

ID: 118

Category: MariaDB Database

Added: 25th of September 2022

Updated On: Tutorial updated and rechecked on 25th of September 2022

Views: 3,512

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If you haven't installed MariaDB, please go back to Part 1 using the drop down menu above.

The next thing we need to do is create a new user. You can create as many users as you like, with each user being able to login to MariaDB and create new database(s).

If you have ever used CPanel to create a new database with a new user, this is the very same thing but using the terminal.

To create a new user in MariaDB, first we need to login to MariaDB as root.
mysql -u root -p

Now we need to create a new user. In the terminal enter the following command.
CREATE USER 'mycomputertips'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '12345';

We have just created a new user named mycomputertips with password 12345. You wouldn't use 12345 in real life, but for learning purposes we keep it simple.

If you want user mycomputertips to be able to CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE and perform other database operations, we need to grant mycomputertips all privileges.

In the terminal enter the following command
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO mycomputertips@localhost;

User mycomputertips has now been granted all privileges.

To login as user mycomputertips and create your first database enter the following command to exit MariaDB

Then login as user mycomputertips and when prompted enter your password 12345
mysql -u mycomputertips -p

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